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Hometown Girls: Reunion (Hometown Girls Series Book 2) Page 10
Hometown Girls: Reunion (Hometown Girls Series Book 2) Read online
Page 10
“Please don't,” she cried.
He ignored her and clasped both wrists with one massive hand in front of her and fidgeted with the zipper on his pants with the other. Once his pants were around his ankles he eagerly reached under her short skirt and ripped her delicate panties away.
“I knew you missed me. I bet you’re all ready for me too.” Grabbing both wrists again he pulled her arms up above her head and kicked both of her legs apart. All she could do was cry. He tried to kiss her again, but she quickly turned her head and screamed out.
“Shut up!” he yelled in her face and punched her in the side of her head. Her vision got blurry and she couldn't focus on what was going on, even when the stall door swung open and he released her from his tight grip. Without him holding her up she fell to the cold tile floor and cradled herself. When her vision finally cleared, she could see two men fighting in the open space. Confused, she pulled herself up to her feet with the help of the commode and braced herself against the wall until she was standing in the door way. She looked at the man standing over Randy wondering if the paralyzing blow to her head did a little brain damage because she could swear that it was Daniel.
“Daniel?” she whispered.
* * *
Daniel looked up at her at the sound of his name and let go of Randy's collar letting his bloody head fall to the hard floor. His face melted at the sight of her. Her clothes were disheveled, her make-up had run down her face from crying and her beautiful blonde hair was stained red on the left side with blood. Anger seared through him again. He brought his heavy boot down hard slamming it against the side of Randy’s rib cage.
“Daniel, please,” Marissa pleaded, crying again.
Daniel spat on Randy and walked toward her. He put his hands on both sides of her face to evaluate the damage. “Are you okay?”
She blinked rapidly, unsure, “I don't know. My head hurts really bad.”
“Come on, let's get you out of here.”
She grabbed the side of the stall and shook her head back and forth. “No, I can't go back out there. Not like this.”
He nodded his head and wrapped his arm around her waist and helped her out of the bathroom. Instead of leading her through the dance floor and out the front door he took her further down the hallway and out a back exit. After he helped her in his truck he jumped in and drove off.
* * *
“Where are you taking me?” she asked, her nerves completely shot and sending rapid waves of chills to course through her.
“I hadn't really though that far. Do you want to go back to my house?”
Marissa thought about it for a minute. “No, I better not. You can just take me home.”
He jerked his head to the side to look at her. “I'm not leaving you alone. Your house or mine, it doesn't really matter to me.”
“We can go to my house. No one knows where I live and I'm sure Randy will be pissed and ready to fight when he wakes up.”
He slammed his hand on the stirring wheel and cussed under his breath. “I should have killed that bastard!”
Marissa didn’t respond to that. She just gave him her address and stayed quiet for the rest of the drive. Once they were in the safety of her house, she left Daniel pacing through the living room while she went to clean herself up in the bathroom. She stared at herself in the mirror, not really looking at anything in particular, just staring. Her perfectly placed make-up was smeared on her face, her foundation was blotchy and dark lines of mascara made a trail of black down her cheeks and her hair was disheveled and discolored from the drying blood. She mindlessly wet a wash cloth and wiped some of the make-up off before pressing the washcloth to the gash in her head and began to cry again.
After a few minutes, Daniel came in the bathroom and stood beside her. He stared at her for a minute then put a hand on her shoulder to let her know that he was there. She put the washcloth down and wrapped her arms around Daniel's waist and cried in his chest. She shook under his touch.
“I was so scared. I thought he—”
“Shhh, I got you. It's okay now.” He smoothed her hair down and he could feel the drying blood in her hair. “Come on, let's get you cleaned up.”
She pulled away from him and he picked up the washcloth and blotted it over the trail of blood on her face and smiled.
“There, that's a little better.”
“Thank you for rescuing me.”
“Nah, it's what I do.”
“How did you know?”
His hand grew still and he looked down at his feet and shrugged his shoulders. “I saw you when you walked back toward the bathrooms and then a few minutes later I saw him go in the same direction. After a few minutes, when neither of you came back out, I got curious. Hell, I know y’all dated in the past. For all I knew y’all were just talking, but then I heard you scream and I lost it. I'm only sorry I didn't go in sooner. Had I waited a few more minutes he would have—”
She put her hand on his chin and made him look into her eyes. “But he didn't. One thing I've learned is 'what might have been' is a crippling thought.” She took the washcloth from his hand. “Come on, I could really use a beer.”
They sat on her couch with their beers in hand and talked like old friends. The events that led up to that moment becoming a distant memory.
“I'm sorry about the last time I saw you,” Marissa said. “It wasn't fair of me to say those things to you.”
“No, don't be. You were only being honest.”
“I know, but it was too soon.”
“Just promise me, that if we are going to be friends, and I want to be, we have to be honest with each other. I hate lies and I hate secrets.”
Marissa nodded her head. “Are you sure you want the truth? Because words can’t be taken back once they’re out.”
Daniel swallowed hard, and she knew he was scared at what she might tell him. “Yes.”
“Do you remember the last time we talked? Before now?”
“Yeah, it was only a month ago, of course I remember.”
“No, back after I moved away, when we were younger?”
He looked at her confused, but shook his head “Yes”.
“I had just gotten out of rehab.”
He jerked his head around and looked at her with wide eyes. “Rehab? Why?”
“Because I was doing a lot of bad stuff and it took hold of me.”
“Yes, and other things.”
“Wow, I don't remember you doing anything like that. How long did that go on?”
“No, you wouldn't have. I became good at hiding it. Besides, I didn't start until after we broke up.”
“But why? Why would you do something like that?” he asked dumbfounded.
“Because I was sad and I couldn't shake it. There were only two things that made me numb to that pain, Randy and being wasted. Unfortunately they usually went hand in hand.”
He stared at her, his eyes turning red from the burn of tears. “Did I do that to you?”
Tears burned her eyes as well so she looked away from him, not wanting him to see the answer on her face, but it was easy for him to see anyway.
“Maris, I'm so sorry. I had no clue. Had I known—”
She turned to him and frowned. “You would have what, stayed with me? Broken up with Katie and taken me back? We were so young. How were we supposed to know the outcome? I hid my pain the best way I knew how. I was the one who didn't ask for help so the blame isn't just yours or Katie's.”
“I can't believe that douche bag would do that to you,” he said, his anger for Randy coming back.
“It was my choice,” she whispered.
“Yeah, but you weren't thinking clearly. Had he cared about you, he would have steered you in a different direction.”
Marissa quietly took that in, because he was right and she always knew it. “There's something else.”
“More than what you just told me?”
She shook her head “Yes�
He took a deep breath and rubbed the stubble on his chin. “Okay.”
“That day I called you after rehab, I was calling to tell you something. I was pregnant.”
“You were pregnant?”
She slowly shook her head. “I had an abortion.”
“Oh my god, Maris, why?”
“Because I didn't know who the father was.”
He looked at her silently before reality set in. He shook his head back and forth not wanting to believe it. “Could it have been mine?”
“Yes,” she whispered.
“The graduation party?”
“Yes,” she whispered again.
He stood up and began pacing through the living room. “Jesus Christ, Marissa! I can't believe this. Why not just have it?”
She wanted so badly to stand up and beg for forgiveness, but she knew that her legs wouldn’t hold her up. Instead, she sat where she was and stared up at him, watching his distress. “Because I didn't know whose it was and if it were Randy's I didn't want to be tied to him for the rest of my life. I couldn’t. Plus all of the partying I had done. It was too late to undo all the stuff that I did and I wouldn’t have been able to live with the consequences,” she pleaded.
He stopped pacing and looked down at his feet, emotions clearly burning through him. “And what if it were mine?”
“I’ve wondered that for the past twenty years. Had I been one hundred percent sure it was yours, I would have kept it. Of course I would have I loved you more than anything. I was going to tell you. I swear I was. It was why I called you. But Daniel, you had just told me that Katie was pregnant. I couldn't do that to her, or to you. So I kept it to myself and took care of it.”
He ran a hand through his hair then sat back down on the couch beside her. “I’m sorry you had to go through that alone. Hell, maybe you should have told me. It may have done me a favor. Do you know why I was out getting drunk by myself tonight?”
“Because I was served papers today. She wants a divorce.”
“Oh, Daniel, I'm so sorry.”
“I knew it was coming. I'd be dumb not to. Do you know what's worse?” he asked, looking at her. “I don't even care. That’s the real reason why I was out. I didn’t care that my wife wants a divorce and I felt guilty for that.”
They sat in silence, both absorbing what each other had said.
“We're a sad pair, aren't we?” Marissa said, laughing, feeling as if she was on the brink of hysteria from the situation.
“Yeah, but I'd rather be sad with you than anyone else,” he said bumping her shoulder with his.
Her smile faded and her eyes grew haunted. “Don't say that.”
“Why not?”
“Because I want you to say it more than anything, but I want you to mean it when you do.”
“Who's to say I don't? Look at me. I've never lied to you before. Am I lying now? Would I be lying if I said I want to kiss you and I have ever since the night of the reunion?” He leaned in to her and pressed his lips gently against hers.
As soon as their lips met she could feel jolts of electricity fire through her body. She had waited so long for this moment, and here it was. Not wanting it to end, she wrapped her hands around his neck and kept him in place. He wrapped one arm around her and lifted her up and laid her down on the couch and hovered over her.
“Is it my turn again?” she asked him, using the same words Katie told her to use.
“If you’ll have me, and not just now, but forever. I lost you once before and at the time I didn’t know what it meant, but as time has gone by, I’ve thought back and questioned my decisions. I think Katie was right. Life got twisted and somehow got off track. Is it too late to make it right?”
She shook her head and smiled. “Daniel, I have loved you for most of my life and I’m fairly certain that I always will. I’m just not certain that forever is long enough.”
With that she kissed him again and just like she had known for the past twenty-two years, she would never, nor could she ever, love anyone as much as she loved him.
“Come on, we have to get going,” Marissa yelled.
Daniel walked out of the bathroom and sat down on the bed and stared at her while she fastened her earrings in front of the mirror. She had on a sleek black dress tailored just right to her body and her long blonde hair was pulled up in a French twist making her look very sophisticated.
“Do I really have to go?”
“Yes, you do,” Marissa said back.
“But don’t you think it would be weird for everyone to have me at my ex wife’s wedding to the man she left me for?”
Marissa turned from her reflection in the mirror to look at him. “Daniel, it has been two years. We have all moved on and surprisingly everyone has been civil through it all. Besides, she is my best friend and I have to be there.”
“And where do I fit in?”
She walked up to him and bent down and planted her perfectly painted lips on his. “You, my love, are my date. If it gets weird we can just slip out and have some good ole’ wedding sex. That is if we can find a spot not already occupied by Becca.”
He grabbed her by the waist smiling and flung her on the bed before jumping on top of her.
“How about we start now?” he said and proceeded to make a trail of kisses down her neck.
“No, no. Not now, because now we have to try to get there on time.”
He looked at his watch. “We have thirty minutes.”
She laughed out loud and kissed him again. “What I want to do to you is going to take longer than thirty minutes and if I am late for the wedding Katie just may kill me.”
“Tease,” he said and got up and held a hand out to her to help her up as well. “Come on, let’s get this over with.”
“Okay girls, let’s make a toast,” Becca said holding up her champagne glass.
“What should we toast to?” Marissa asked excitedly.
Becca looked around at the three girls in front of her. For the first time in their lives they were all dressed in the same identical thing instead of showing off their own individual personalities. Not today. Today they all had on sleek black sophisticated dresses, had their hair up in the same elegant French twist and even had on the same simple, but sparkling, jewelry. The only one who stood out was Katie. This was her day to shine, and boy did she ever! She no longer looked like the rough and tumbling County girl she always was. Her dress was beyond gorgeous with a cream color bodice top with sparkling gold and black sequences and black lace that played hide and seek under the creamy layers on the skirt. She didn’t wear a veil to cover up her beautiful face, but instead a tiara with long dark tendrils falling over her shoulders. She looked every bit like the princess Eduardo thought she was.
“How about we toast to love,” Becca finally said looking at Katie, “Happiness,” she said turning to Marissa, “Health,” she said at Jess, who was just recently given the good news that her cancer was in remission, “And life,” she said putting her hand over her heart.
“Perfect,” Marissa said and put her glass of champagne in the middle of the circle and the other girls followed suit, clinking their glasses and sipping their bubbly.
“God, I can’t believe I’m doing this again,” Katie said taking a deep breath.
“Eduardo is a very lucky man,” Marissa said with a reassuring smile.
* * *
“So is Daniel,” she said back. It was a difficult decision to give up her life, the only life she had ever known, but every time she looked at Marissa and Daniel together she knew it was the right choice. Their love for one another was evident and it could shine through any cloud that may come their way. And god did she love Eduardo. He was everything she ever wanted and more. She fanned herself to stop the tears that were threatening to fall.
“Five minutes ladies,” Becca said pointing to her watch. “Katie, if you’re going to run, now is
the time.”
Katie, Marissa and Jess stared at her shocked.
“Kidding gez,” Becca said holding up her hands to block the firing squad. “Let’s do this so I can hook up with one of those fine groomsmen out there,” Becca said slapping Katie on the butt.
They all laughed and lined up and when it was time, they each walked out at the appropriate time when the music hit the cue.
* * *
Standing in front of the beautifully decorated alter, Marissa looked around at the crowd of mostly strangers and settled on Daniel. He was sitting with D.J. and Mattie in the second row and staring back at her, his eyes seeming to undress her in front of everyone. She gave him a blushing smile then silently mouthed out ‘I love you’ before focusing her attention back on the wedding party. For the longest time it was just the four of them; Her, Katie, Jess and Becca. Even though others came in and out of their lives through the years, they were always the constant. Life happened along the way and sent ripples in their direction, but at the end they were all back together again, full circle, just the way it was always meant to be.
Once again, I want to thank everyone for supporting me through this process. It seems the more I write, the more I can’t seem to stop. I have so many ideas swirling around in my head that I become restless if I am not writing. There are so many factors that play into writing these wonderful works of art. It takes great focus and support to fulfill this dream of writing.
I am always trying to figure out new ways to stay fresh and write things that anyone could enjoy and relate to. I am so happy that I took the chance on this idea. It has been so much fun writing it and it reminded me so much of me and the area that formed who I am today. The ideas for the plot and characters changed quite a bit from the beginning until the end, which usually occurs while writing any story.